duminică, 18 ianuarie 2009

Calistrat Hogas

Calistrat Hogas


He was born in Tecuci, family priest George Dimitriu. He was enrolled in public school under of his teacher initiative. During 1860-1869, he attended the Academy Mihaileana the generation of AD Xenopol Al. Lambrior, Vasile Conta, Gheorghe Panu and others who linked lasting friends. After graduating from high school joined the Faculty of Philosophy and letters of Iasi, "literary apart. In the year that the Academy has done, after a competition, he was appointed professor of the Literary "on municipal gymnasium in Piatra Neamt, and the very short time - director.

Married on 17 January 1871 with her daughter priest Costache Gheorghiu in Piatra Neamt, very young Elena, the writer is with the nickname "Elencu.

A conflict with the proportion of local ownership Gymnasium led him to move in 1878 for two years, the gymnasium of Tecuci and one year in normal school "Vasile Lupu" in Iasi. He returned in 1881 as director and professor at Piatra Neamt, and became a close "friend" of IL Caragiale, in October 1881 - March 1882 in the county of Neamt, the school inspector. Another conflict with local authorities in 1886, involving connotations and personal life, urged him to transfer, as professor and director at the Gymnasium of Alexandria, refusing the offer to live in Bucharest.

On 31 January 1882 was born the seventh child, a girl named Sidonia. While there and the eighth child born writer in the family - Marioara, who died early, Sidonia, remaining cadet, he accompanied his father, along with her mother in the deployment of Alexandria (Teleorman).

Professor C. Hogaş was close to home, up to the Roman in 1891, where he moved and Sidonia. In 1899, the entire family, except Aetiu son, who studied in Bucharest, moved to Iaşi.

Professor C. Hogaş out retirement, but continued to teach up to 40 hours per week. 1915: The writer moved to Piatra Neamt already lived where his wife and daughter, Cecilia.

28 August 1917: Calistrat Hogas dies of Roman life in the middle nepoţilor on that big dăruise daughter, Cleopatra Silberg. When the expiration of 42 days on October 8, is reînhumat to Piatra Neamt.


He debuted in 1874 with the poem "Legend lăcrămioarei" in no. 5 Correspondence of local provincial newspaper. On July 3 1882, C. Hogaş began prose writer in the local magazine Asachi, with excerpts from the cycle Memories of a trip.

Literary Activity

In 1907, Knowing the Garabet Ibraileanu, Calistrat Hogas persuaded to leave and began working at Life magazine Romania from no. 2 ( "Floricica). In 1912, the Romanian Life Publishing began printing the first edition of volume on mountain roads Calistrat Hogas. Tentativa not completed due to numerous typographical errors that have passed unnoticed corectorului: Calistrat Hogas itself.

In 1914 was printed a second edition of the book on mountain roads at the same imprint. The stock of books, ready for shipment, is scrum during a fire which mistuie printing. In 1921 came the first edition of the book to the public on mountain roads in two volumes, the second, In Neamţului Mountains, was prefaced by Mihail Sadoveanu.
In 1922, his Calistrat Hogas, which in 1915 he was refused the Academy Award for 5000 lei, "Adamache, is posthumously confer the first award initiated by Romanian Writers' Society, in thereport made by Liviu Rebreanu.


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